Wednesday, October 29, 2008


im totally about to lose my mind and go crazy.. life isn't suppose to be so stressful is it? i don't even really have time to post but i just wanted to document that i am still alive in case in a few days i get sucked into the potters wheel or something ridiculous like that.. ok.. well love all the way around!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Uh? Trying to stay above water??

Gosh I totally haven't thought about posting on here. So life is so hectic and I am finding myself only more and more exhausted and totally overwhelmed as the days go on. Most of it might just be apprehension and uneasiness about what lies ahead of me post December 15th. It's not that I don't have a job because I do, but I need more hourly pay and I'm just not sure the clinic can afford to do so. And it's only 36 hours a week instead of 40 so I don't get benefits. I'm sort of at a loss as to what I want to do and where the Lord has me. I am completely clueless at this moment. I guess I will just keep focusing on the here and now and making it through this semester and he will direct my path from there. He always has so I have no reason to worry or doubt.

Home was great this weekend. It was definitely not long enough. I wish I would have been able to spend more time with family and friends but I guess you have to take what you get. Everyone keeps asking me if I will move home after graduation and although I immediately say no I have this odd desire to. I doubt that would happen because I really don't feel there is much for me and very many stable and not already married people my age in the small town but I do miss "home." The drive back was wonderful and I am so thankful for good conversation and rest. I am so blessed by my family and I don't know how to equate how much I appreciate and love them for being more than enough.

Mom is running another marathon in two weeks and of course I'm apprehensive. I just get worried about her traveling and being ok medically/physically throughout the race. I just leave it in the hands of the Lord and trust his plans and ways are higher and that he will protect and allow her to feel accomplishment proud of her hard work. Be praying in advance for her trip and that he would mark out each step she takes and protect them.

Still no pictures to post. I miss my camera and I miss being behind it and just having fun and being immersed in nature and capturing the beauty of life. Maybe when I'm done with school I will have more time for my creativity and project ideas..

I'm headed to my girls' volleyball game in Springdale so I leave you at this until I can divulge to you about my life at a later time.

Be blessed and enjoy the fall, my favorite season! It just reminds me of God's creativity and love for all things beautiful. Love you all so much.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's been forever..

So i gave this thing a little make-over.. i might, well probably will start using this thing more. As of now, life is super busy and I am trying to push through until December when I get my $50,000 piece of paper saying I am DONE with my education. No one really even reads this now, or no one has since I went to Italy, but if I start using it more I will post this link in my facebook. So I am done for today-- maybe more pictures to come soon as well! Be blessed and live love.